Music News

Premiere: The Rayo Brothers, passing through Colorado

Victim & Villain, choices we make

Jordan Ardoin, Daniel Reaux, Jesse Reaux, Lance Kelehan; Photo: LeeAnn Stephan

Brothers Daniel and Jesse Reaux began performing as the Rayo Brothers at a songwriting competition in their home town of Lafayette, Louisiana in 2012. Rooted in folk and country music traditions; the Rayo Brothers have fleshed out their music with tough-rockin’, full-bodied electric guitars, bluegrass-style banjo, pedal steel guitar and signature harmonies. Daniel Reaux’s lead vocals and brother Jesse’s harmonies bring out their C&W influences and Cajun flair.

Their latest CD, Victim & Villain, deals with recognizing and accepting life’s tougher realities, and devising positive ways of coping with them while still walking the high road. The theme of Victim & Villain lies somewhere on the spectrum of self-realization and personal growth.

The songs are deeply personal, but at the same time, universal; most of us have gone through similar tough times. Jesse Reaux described the genesis of this track for Elmore:

“‘Colorado’ was written in the aftermath of a personal disaster. This song captures the moment right after the disaster has struck. When you realize that things will never be the same; when you’re disoriented and trying to come to grips with the new reality. It’s the moment between the end of one thing and the beginning another. When I was at that exact moment I was on a trip to Colorado—that’s where the title comes from. My brother Daniel, who sings lead vocals, was traveling with me at the time. He knows where the song comes from and he delivers it perfectly.”

Learn more about the Rayo Brothers HERE


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