Music News

Premiere: Kenny Curcio, with a Hometown Heart

Songwriter puts first things first

Kenny Curcio has always had a passion for music and sharing. He began on the family organ, got his first guitar at 12, started songwriting in high school and formed the band Whiskey Train in college; the band released two studio albums.

Curcio then moved on to solo work, opening for national acts and performing to raise money for the homeless. Curcio’s most recent single, “American Soldier,” was released Memorial Day Weekend, 2019; in partnership with the non-profit organization Operation Yellow Ribbon, a portion of the single’s proceeds will help US Troops.

He has become a staple live performer on the East Coast, but, true to form, remembers what’s important. Curcio told Elmore, “’Hometown Heart’ is a song I wrote about remembering your roots and never forgetting the good times with family and friends. We live in a fast-paced, sometimes negative world, but when we slow down for a minute or two, and remember the good times we have had, there is a lot to be thankful and grateful for.”

Learn more about Kenny Curcio HERE


Or go to Medford, NJ November 2 for his release party—on a farm.

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